Here You will be REALLY SURPRISED to see the effect of increasing Rs.100/- in EMI of Long Term Loan
- Calculate & Plan According to your Affordability.
Your Loan Amount
Interest Rate %
Current EMI
Amount Add to Current EMI
Current Payoff Term (Months)
Revised Payoff Term (Months)
Time Saved (Months)
Current Interest Cost
Revised Interest Cost
Interest Savings
(Or Gross Return on Additional EMI / Investment)

Is it not the Safest & Assured Return on your addtional contribution?

Instructions: Enter current payment terms of your outstanding of loan, then enter an amount that you can comfortably add to EMI. You can calculate here the total Saving of Interest or Return on payment of Additional EMI over the period of debt/loan and Reduction of Loan Tenure. It is recommended you must calculate effect of contribution of Rs. 100/- as additional EMI and see the amount of saving of interest to your long term loan/debt and take your decision accordingly. The Basic purpose of our all Apps is to provide users useful utilities and request you to share with your friends/relatives/groups as much as U can, because sharing cost nothing but gains much !