English Confusing Words
airwhat we breathe
errmake a mistake
heirone who inherits something
acceptto agree; to receive
exceptbut, with the exception of
ascent (noun)movement upward
assententhusiastic agreement; to agree
addto perform addition
adesfruit drinks
aidespeople who help; assistants
AIDSacronym for Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome
aidshelps, assists
adverseunfortunate; strongly opposed
aversehaving repugnance (refers to people)
advice (noun)recommendation
advise (verb)the act of giving a recommendation
affectverb affect when you mean to influence rather than to cause.
effectUse effect when you mean result.
ailto be ill; to cause pain or distress
alemalt beverage more bitter than beer
I'llcontraction for I will
Islea small island
allentire, everything
awla tool
allowedgave permission to
aloudaid out loud; spoken
all readymeans all are ready
alreadyrefers to time
all togetherrefers to a group; all of us or all of them together
altarpedestal, usually religious
alterto modify
alludeto refer indirectly
eludeavoid capture
allusionan indirect mention of something
illusionfalse perception
ambiguousto have more than one meaning
ambivalentto have mixed feelings
amicablefriendly (refers to things, not people)
amiablefriendly (refers to people)
amonginvolves three or more
betweeninvolves just two
amountused for things not countable
numberused for things that can be counted
anta bug
auntthe sister of a parent
antea bet placed before playing
auntieaffectionate term for a parent?s sister
anxiousto have anxiety or worry
any moresomething additional or further
anymoreany longer, nowadays
appraiseto put a value on something
appriseto notify
arcarch, crescent, half moon
arka vessel or a refuge
assistantspeople who help
assumptionan idea not based on evidence
presumptionan idea based on evidence
assureto promise or say with confidence
ensureto make sure something will/won't happen
insureto issue an insurance policy
atepast tense of eat
eightthe number after seven
auralhaving to do with hearing
oralhaving to do with the mouth
awedin a state of amazement
oddunusual; opposite of even when referring to numbers
baldhaving no hair
breakseparate into pieces
balla sphere
bawlto cry or wail loudly
banda group, sometimes a group of musicians
barenaked, unconcealed, plain
bearthe animal
basethe bottom; vulgar
basslow vocal or instrumental range
basedbe dependent or supported
basteto moisten; to criticize or lash out at
beto exist or live
beachsandy area with water
beechtype of tree with smooth, gray bark
beatto strike violently
boughbranch of a tree
bowpart of a set with arrows
bowboat front, a male's form of curtsy
because vs. sinceBecause and since can be used almost interchangeably although because always indicates cause and effect and since is used for a relationship or time.
Beenform of be used with has or have
Bellchime or alarm
Bellebeautiful or charming woman
Bertha boat dock
Birthbeing born
Betterof higher quality
Bettorsomeone who places bets
Biannualtwice a year
Biennialevery two years
Semiannualtwice a year
Biteto use one?s teeth to tear food
Bytecomputer term for eight bits of information
Billedcharged a fee
blewpast tense of blow
bluethe color
bloca group united for a particular purpose
blockcity street
boarmale pig
boresomeone or something not interesting
boardpiece of wood
boardersomeone who pays for room and food
borderperimeter; boundary
bowledto have gone bowling
boldermore daring
bouldera large rock
boossounds made by disapproving audience
boymale child
buoya naval beacon or marker
breada food
bredpast tense of breed
broodmull over
bruisea black-and-blue mark
bridalrelating to brides
bridlea harness
bringyou bring something towards
takeyou take something away
broachto raise a topic
broocha bauble
browsthe hairs in the arch above the eyes
browsesearch for, peruse
buttbottom; joke object; to ram
buypurchase, acquire
bynear, next to
byeshort for goodbye
cachehidden stash
calendarchart of days and months
colandersieve to drain off liquids
canable to
maypermission to
cannonlarge, mounted gun
canonrule, commandment
canvasto poll; a poll
awning cloth, tarp
assets; essential; main city
caratunit of weight in gemstones
careta proofreading mark to show insertion
carrotedible root
karata unit for measuring the fineness of gold
castgroup of actors; to throw
castea social class, a rigid system of social distinctions
caya small, low island
keya small, low island;
quaywharf, dock, pier
cedeto surrender
seedreproductive germ
cellprison room; basic structural unit of an organism
sellto exchange for money
censordisallow; person who disallows
censureto disapprove of; criticize strongly
sensora device that measures heat, light, etc.
centa penny
scenta smell, aroma
cerealbreakfast food
seriala series or array
chantschorus, melody
chasedwent after
chastepure, virginal
chewshow one eats food with teeth
chooseto pick
Chilea country in South America
Chilia type of pepper; a dish with peppers in it
Chillycold, brisk
Choralhaving to do with a chorus or a choir
Choralea hymn; a group of singers specializing in church music
Coralmaterial that makes up reefs; orange color
Corrala horse pen; to confine
chordthree or more musical tones sounded simultaneously
corda rope or strand of flexible material
coredremoved the center of something
chutean inclined shaft
shootto discharge from a weapon; a stem
citeto assert; to quote from; to subpoena
sightvision, the power to see
sitea location or position
classicimportant; fundamental
classicalhaving to do with Greek or Roman antiquity
clausein grammar, a group of words containing a subject and verb
clawsa contract
clicka sound
cliquea group
climactichaving to do with the climax
climatichaving to do with the climate
closeto shut
coarserough, lacking in fineness of texture
coursea class; a path
colonelan officer in the military
kernela seed
complementcompleting part of an order
confidantsomeone confided in
confidentcertain, sure
connoteto suggest, imply
denoteto be a sign of
corecenter or crucial part
corpstrained group
corpsedead body
cosignto sign along with
cosinea trigonometry term
councila group of people meeting for a purpose
counseladvise; advice, an attorney
creaka sound
creeka stream
crewsmany groups
cruisea trip or vacation by sea
criteriaplural of criterion
criteriona standard for evaluating or testing something
cuea hint; a stimulus
queuea line of people waiting
curranttype of small berry
currentup to date
cursersomeone who swears or wishes misfortune on another
cursora blinking symbol indicating position on a computer screen
dama barrier obstructing the flow of liquid
damna swear word or curse
dammedblocked from flowing
daystwenty-four-hour periods of time
dazeto stun or overwhelm
dearaffectionate term
deerthe animal
deserta desolate area; to abandon
dessertextra s for sugary treat
desperatelost all hope, in despair
disparateentirely dissimilar
dewcondensation in the morning
doto take action
dueowed by a certain date
dieto cease to live; the singular of dice
dyeto stain or color using an agent
discreetcareful, confidential
discreteindividual, distinct
discussedtalked over
doesfemale deer
doesa form of to do
doughsunbaked loaves of bread
dozeto sleep
elicitevoke, extract, draw out
elusivedifficult to describe, evasive
illusiveplausible or possible; deceptive
emigrateto exit one country in order to live in another country
immigrateto enter a new country to live
empathyunderstand another's feelings
sympathyto feel compassion or sadness for another
epocha period of time, an age
every dayeach day
factsobjective data
faxshort for facsimile; technology that sends images by phone
faintto go unconscious
fair (adjective, noun)impartial; an exhibition
farepayment or expense for travel
fairyimaginary being possessing magical powers
ferrytype of boat
fartherrefers to physical distance only
furtherto a greater extent
fauxfake, imitation
foeenemy, opponent
fazeto perturb or fluster
phasea period or situation
featan extraordinary act or accomplishment
feettwelve-inch increments; appendages at end of legs
feted"celebrated, honored noxious, gross "
firtype of tree
furhairy coat of an animal
fleeto run away
flewpast tense of fly, to have moved through the air with wings
flua virus
fluepart of a chimney
floesheet of floating ice
flowpour, proceed, spew
flowerthe bloom of a plant
fourthe number after three
foregoto go in front of, precede
forgoto do without
forewordintroduction to a book written by someone other than the
forwardopposite of backward
forta military fortification
fortesomeone?s strong point, talent
fourthnumber after third
fouloffensive, disgusting
fowlcertain birds
freezeto make cold
friezea decorative band on the wall
gaita manner of walking or stepping, stride
goredstabbed with a horn or tusk
gourdhard-shelled fruit
gorillalargest of the apes
guerrillasoldier using surprise raids; irregular tactics
graftattach; acquisition of money dishonestly
gratea cover or partition of parallel or crossed bars
grillmethod of cooking; barbecuing
grillean openwork barrier for a gate
groana low, mournful sound of pain or grief
grownto have increased in size
guessedconjectured, offered an opinion
guestcompany, honoree
guiseappearance or assumed appearance
hairwhat grows on one?s head and body
hallpassageway or large room
haulto pull, drag, or lower
halvedivide into two
haveto possess
hangarshed or shelter for housing airplanes
hangersomething to hang a garment on in the closet
haut/hautehigh-class, fancy as in haute couture
hoeflat-bladed gardening tool
haydried grass
heyinterjection used to call attention
healto alleviate or cure
heelback part of the foot; scoundrel
hearto listen
herein this spot
herda flock of animals
heroina narcotic derived from morphine
heroinefemale admired for courage or ability
hia greeting, informal for hello
highermore elevated
hireto pay for services
himpronoun referring to male person or animal
hymnsong in praise of religious deity
hoardstockpile, amass
hordea large group, crowd
hoarsecracked voice
hoesflat-bladed gardening tools
hosea flexible tube for conveying liquid
holean opening
wholeentire, complete
whollyentirely, completely
hostelboarding house or inexpensive lodging
hoursixty minutes
ourpossessive pronoun
idlenot active; unemployed
idolsomeone admired
idyll or idylinterlude, breathing space; romance, fairy tale
implyto indicate without being explicit
inferto conclude from evidence
inpreposition; inside
innsmall hotel
inc.abbreviation for incorporated
inkfluid in pens
incredibleto be without guilt
innocentspeople who are without guilt
knewpast tense of know, to have understood
newopposite of old
knighta soldier in the Middle Ages
nightperiod between sunset and sunrise
knotinterlacing of cord or rope
notused to express negation
knowunderstand, comprehend
noa negative to express dissent
nosepart of the body one smells with
lacksis deficient in
laxslack, easy-going
ladderthe thing with rungs that you climb
latterthe second of two
lainpast participle of lie as in lie down
lanenarrow road or passage
Leada metal element
ledguided, past tense of to lead
leakunintended discharge of liquid or gas
leektype of onion
leanto incline
liena claim on property to secure debt payment
leastsmallest in size or amount
lessento make less
lessona unit to be learned or studied
liea falsehood; present tense of lie down
lyea caustic substance
lighteningto make lighter
lightninga brilliant electric spark in the sky
loansomething lent for temporary use
loneonly, solitary
looseopposite of tightV
loseopposite of win; misplace
Machratio with the speed of sound
mockartificial; ridicule
maidcleaning lady
malemasculine; opposite of female
mainprimary, chief, leading
manelong hair on the back of a horse or lion
mallplaza, focal point
maulabuse, claw
manorpalatial residence
marqueecanopy, shelter; projection over a theater entrance
marquisaristocrat, nobleman
marryto wed
marshalassemble; a judge
martialmilitant, aggressive
meatanimal flesh used for food
meet (verb, noun)to connect, touch; an event
meteadminister, allot
medaldecoration, badge
meddleto interfere unwontedly
metalearth element
mind (noun, verb)intelligence; obey
minedexcavated to extract ores
minerone who excavates to extract ores
minorsomeone under legal age; small
missedfailed to hit
mistfog, fine spray
moanlament; sound of suffering
mowncut grass
modemethod, manner
mowedto have cut grass
moodan emotional state
mooedthe sound a cow made
moosean animal
moussetype of dessert
morningstart of the day, between night and afternoon
mourningsorrow over someone's death
musclefibrous tissue
musseledible marine bivalve
mustardyellow condiment
musteredassembled, gathered
navalpertaining to ships
navelbelly button, umbilicus
nonenot one, not any
nunfemale member of a religious order
oara blade for rowing
oremetal-bearing mineral or rock
onesingle unit
wonpast tense of win
ordinancea law
ordnancemilitary weapons and ammunition
overdoto do to excess
overduepast due
packedpast tense of pack
pactan agreement or treaty
palelacking color
painphysical or emotional suffering
panea plate of glass or panel
pairtwo of something
pareto remove or peel
peartype of fruit
palateroof of the mouth; taste
palleta low, portable platform
palettea range of colors; a board to hold and mix colors
passedpast tense of pass
pastthe time before the present
patiencewillingness to wait
patientspeople under medical care
pausea temporary stop
pawsanimal feet
piecea portion of something
peaktop of a mountain
peekglance furtively
piqueto wound someone's pride or to excite interest
pealedrang bells
peeledremoved a layer
pedalfoot-operated lever
peddleto sell, hawk, or dispense
peerperson who is an equal
piera structure extending out over water
perpetrateto commit, as in a crime
perpetuateto prolong or sustain
pi3.1416, the ratio of the circumference of a circle
piebaked food filled with fruit or meat
pistilfemale organ of a flower
pistoltype of gun
plainnot fancy; evident; simple; treeless area of land
planea flat or level surface; short for airplane
pleascries for help; appeals
pleasea polite word; to satisfy
pluma type of fruit
polea long, cylindrical piece of wood or metal
polla collection of opinions; survey
poresmall hole
pourto send liquid flowing
praiseexpress approval
praysmakes requests to God
preyshunts for food; victimizes
precedentsexamples, criteria
presidentschief executives
presenceappearance, being present
presents (noun, verb)gifts; offers
prieslooks closely; wedges open
prizeaward or reward
principalhead of school; chief; of first importance
principlefundamental belief
prophetpredictor, seer
prosprofessionals, experts
quartsunits of liquid measure (four quarts to a gallon)
quartza mineral
rainwater that falls in drops from the sky
reignrule, administration
reinbit, harness
raiselift up
razeflatten, tear down completely
rap (noun, verb)a type of music; to strike sharply
wrapto enclose in a covering
rappedstruck sharply fascinated
raptenclosed in a covering
readpresent and past tenses of to comprehend writing
reda color
realactual, authentic
reelstumble, falter
recedeto move back, withdraw
reseedto seed again
reekto smell bad
wreakto cause trouble wreak havoc
wresttake from
wretchlowly being, scoundrel
revuea satirical show
rightcorrect; opposite of left
riteritual, ceremony
writeto compose letters or words
ringsound of a bell; jewelry worn around a finger
wringto twist
roadstreet, path, highway
rodepast tense of ride
rowedpast tense of row
roefish eggs
rolepart in a play or film
rolla bun; to rotate
roomerone who rents a room
rumorinnuendo, gossip
rootbase of a plant
rotdecay, decompose
roteby memory, formula
wrotepast tense of write
rudeimpolite, unmannerly
ruedregretted, repented
ryeseed from a grain
wrymocking, ironic, droll
sackslarge bags
saverone who saves
savorto appreciate a taste
scenea view, a setting
seento have viewed with eyes
seaa body of salt water
seeto view with eyes
seamline formed by pieces of fabric sewn together
searscorch, burn, or char
seerone who sees (as in the future)
serewithered, dry
seasbodies of salt water
seesviews with eyes
seizeto grab hold of
surfbreaking waves; to ride a surfboard
setone sets a thing
sitone sits oneself
sewto stitch
soin the manner indicated
sowto scatter or plant seed
sewera conduit for carrying off waste
suerone who sues
shearto cut
shoefoot attire
shoointerjection used to scare away an animal
sica Latin term used to indicate that something written is intentionally
sixa number
signan indication
sinea trigonometry term
sinkto submerge; where you wash utensils
synch or syncto synchronize, to coincide or match up
sleighsnow vehicle, sled
sleightcunning, skill
slightslender, of little substance
slewpast tense of slay
soarto fly at great height
sorein pain
soaredflew at great height
sworda bladed weapon
solebottom of foot; lone
soulthe spiritual part of humans
somea certain unspecified number
sumthe total from adding numbers
sonmale offspring
sunstar that is the central body of the solar system
sonnydiminutive of son
sunnylit or warmed by the sun; cheerful
spadedigging tool
spayedto have removed the ovaries of an animal
staidsolemn, serious
stayedremained, waited
stareto look without blinking
stakea pole
steakcut of meat
stationaryin one place
stationerywriting paper
steeliron alloy; determined
step (verb, noun)moving by lifting the foot; degree
steppevast grasslands
stileturnstile, passageway
straightnot curved or bent
straitnarrow passage of water connecting two bodies of water
succorrelief, assistance
suedeleather finished with a soft, napped surface
swayedpast tense of sway; persuaded
suitea connected series of rooms
sweetopposite of sour
summaryan abstract or brief account
summeryof the summer
sundaeice cream with syrup
Sundayday of the week
tacksshort nails
taxpercent of earnings paid to the government
tailhindmost animal appendage
tareallowance for the weight of packaging
tear (verb)rip, pull apart
tear (noun)salt water coming from eyes when sad
tierrow or layer
taughtpast tense of teach
tauttightly stretched
teaa beverage
teea peg from which a golf ball is hit
teamgroup playing on the same side in a game
tensenervous strain
tentsportable shelters used for camping
thanused for comparison
thenindicates time, answers when
theirpossessive pronoun
they'recontraction for they are
threwpast tense of throw
throughin one end and out the other
throesagonizing struggles
throwstosses, hurls
throneroyal seat or office
thrownwas tossed
thymeherb of the mint family
timepast, present, future sequences of events
ticksparasites; sounds of a clock
ticsfacial twitches
tideebb and flow of the ocean
tiedpast tense of tie
toin the direction of, toward; used with the infinitive form of verbs
tooalso, to an extensive degree
twothe number after one
toadsimilar to a frog
toedhaving a toe
towedpulled, hauled
tolledsounded a bell
torta breach of contract
tortea rich cake made with little or no flour
tractan extended area of land; a political or religious pamphlet
troopa body of soldiers
troupea group of traveling performers
vainexcessively concerned about one's appearance
vanea blade moved by wind as in weather vane
veinblood vessel
varyto change or alter
verseslines of poetry
versusas compared to another choice; against
vialsmall container for holding liquids
vilerepulsive, depraved
vicebad habit; immoral practice
visedevice used to hold an object firmly
wadeto walk through water
weighedto have put on a scale
wailmournful cry
whalemarine mammal
waistnarrowest part of the human torso (usually)
wasteto squander or spend uselessly
waitto be available or ready
weightquantity of heaviness or mass
waivera relinquishment of some right
waverto feel indecisive; vary
warnto notify
worncarried on the body; deteriorated
warranteeperson who is given a written guarantee
warrantywritten guarantee
weighto measure mass
weaklacking strength
weekseven days starting with Sunday
wearto carry on the body
wherein what place?
weatherstate of the atmosphere in a location
weaveto interlace thread or yarn to make a fabric
we'vecontraction for we have
werepast tense of are
we'recontraction for we are
wheeledmoved on wheels
wieldto exercise power; to handle a weapon effectively
whichwhat one?
whileduring or in the time that
wilea trick to fool, trap, or entice
whinecomplaining cry
winefermented grape juice that becomes an alcoholic beverage
whinedpast tense of whine, complained
windair current
winedto supply with wine
whirledspun rapidly
worldplanet Earth
whorledshaped like a coil
who'scontraction for who is
whosepossessive case of who
wont (adjective, noun)accustomed; habit
won'tcontraction for will not
woodtree trunk material
wouldexpressing an intention
yokeharness for oxen
yolkyellow center of an egg
yorelong past
you'recontraction for you are
yourpossessive pronoun