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List of Idioms beginning with P, Q, R

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List of Idioms beginning with P
Pass muster to be approved
Pick someone to pieces to criticize sharply
Paper over the cracks to try to hide something
Put the cart before the horse doing things in a wrong manner
Pull up the shocks do things in the right manner and correctly
Parrot fashion If you learn something parrots fashion; you learn it word for word
Pay on the nail If you pay on the nail, you pay promptly in cash
Pen is mightier than the sword The idiom 'the pen is mightier than the sword' means that words and communication are morepowerful than wars and fighting
Pick someone's brains If you pick someone's brains, you ask them for advice,Suggestions and information about something they know about
Pieces of the same cake Pieces of the same cake are things that have the sameCharacteristics or qualities
Play fast and loose If people play fast and loose, they behave in an irresponsible way and don't respect rules, etc.
Poker face Someone with a poker face doesn't show any emotion or reaction so thatPeople don't know what they are feelingTOP
List of Idioms beginning with Q
Quarrel with bread and butter Bread and butter, here, indicate the means of one's living. If a subordinate in an organization is quarrelsome or if he is not patient enough to bear the reprimand he deserves, gets angry and retorts or provokes the higherup, the top man dismisses him from the job. So, he loses the job that gave him bread and butter. Hence we say, he quarreled with bread and butter (manager or the top man) and lost his job
Quiet as a cat If somebody is as quiet as a cat they make as little noise as possible and try to be unnoticeable
Quiet as a mouse If someone's as quiet as a mouse, they make absolutely no noise
Queer fish A strange person is a queer fishTOP
List of Idioms beginning with R
Round the twist go crazy
Read between the lines read hidden meanings
Rack and ruin If something or someone goes to rack and ruin, they are utterly destroyed or wrecked
Rain on your parade If someone rains on your parade, they ruin your pleasure or your plans
Rake someone over the coals If you rake someone over the coals, you criticize or scold them severely
Recipe for disaster A recipe for disaster is a mixture of people and events that could only possibly result in trouble
Red carpet If you give someone the redcarpet treatment, you give them a specialWelcome to show that you think they are important
Red herring If something is a distraction from the real issues, it is a red herring
Red letter day A red letter day is a one of good luck, when something special happens to you
Reduce to ashes If something is reduced to ashes, it is destroyed or made useless. His infidelities reduced their relationship to ashes
Round the houses If you go round the houses, you do something in an inefficient way when there is a quicker, more convenient way
Rub shoulders If you rub shoulders with people, you meet and spend time with them,Especially when they are powerful or famous
Run into the sand If something runs into the sand, it fails to achieve a resultTOP