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List of Idioms beginning with S, T, U

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List of Idioms beginning with S
Salt on the earth fundamental good people
Sands of time tiny amounts of time
Shake a leg to go fast, hurry
Spill the beans to expose a secret
Snake in the grass a hidden army
Salt on the earth fundamental good people
Sands of time tiny amounts of time
Shake a leg to go fast, hurry
Spill the beans to expose a secret
Snake in the grass a hidden army
Snake in the shoes to be in a state of fear
Stood to his guns maintained to his opinion
showing the door asking someone to leave
Song and a dance an excuse
Salad days Your salad days are an especially happy period of your life
Sail under false colors Someone who sails under false colors is hypocritical orPretends to be something they aren't in order to deceive peopleTOP
List of Idioms beginning with T
Threaded his way out walked carefully through.
Take the cloth to become a priest.
Talk turkey to discuss a problem with a real intension to solve it.
Tit for tat an action done to revenge against a person who has done some wrong to you
To crow over to triumph over someone
to blow a fuse to turn someone angry
though thick and thin under all conditions
to bell the cat to take great risks
To look through colored glasses to look the things not as they are
Taking to a brick wall taking with a no response
Turned a deaf ear disregarded
Take a back seat choose to decrease involvement
Tables are turned When the tables are turned, the situation has changed giving the advantage to the party who had previously been at a disadvantage
Take someone under your wing If you take someone under your wing, you look after them while they are learning something
Take your medicine If you take your medicine, you accept the consequences of something you have done wrong
Talking to a brick wall If you talk to someone and they do not listen to you, it is like talking to a brick wall
Taste of your own medicine If you give someone a taste of their own medicine, you do something bad to someone that they have done to you to teach them a lesson
The apple does not fall far from the tree Offspring grow up to be like their parents
Through thick and thin If someone supports you through thick and thin, they support you during good times and badTOP
List of Idioms beginning with U
Upset the apple cart to create difficulty
Under a cloud If someone is suspected of having done something wrong, they are under a cloud
Under fire If someone is being attacked and criticized heavily, they are under fire Under your nose If something happens right in front of you, especially if it is surprising or audacious, it happens under your nose
Up for grabs If something is up for grabs, it is available and whoever is first or is successful will get it
Up to the neck If someone's in something up to the neck, they are very involved in it, especially when it's something wrong
Up a river without a paddle If you up a river without a paddle, you are in an unfortunate situation, unprepared and with none of the resources to remedy the matter
Uncharted waters If you're in uncharted waters, you are in a situation that is unfamiliar to you, that you have no experience of and don't know what might happen
Under lock and key If something is under lock and key, it is stored very securelyTOP