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How to Calculate the Return on Initial Investment of Stock of Long Term Investments

Investments of stock for long period for steady and fixed dividend payments rather than for immediate sale on large price swings. When you own your preferred stock for long period, it is important to calculate your return on initial investment to see how its performance measures up to your expectations. This return represents the total money you earn from the stock as a percentage of the amount you paid for it. It excludes any returns from extra shares you buy after your initial purchase, such as shares you pick up by reinvesting dividends.

Why to use the calculator ?

The following calculator calculates your return on initial investment of the stock your remained invested over a period of time

Step to use the calculator

Step 1

Enter the number of shares purchased at column no. 1

Step 2

Enter the price per share bought at column no. 2

Step 3

Enter any commissions or brokerage fees you paid per share for purchase at column no. 3

Step 4

Enter the current market price of the share (if already sold the stock enter the price you sold it) at column no. 4

Step 5

If stock already sold, please enter here any commissions or brokerage fees you paid per share for sale of share at column no. 5 otherwise

Step 6

Enter the dividends you received per share at column no. 6

Step 7

Click the button submit to get the percent of return on your initial investment as on date over the period of your holding the stock and the total amount of return /loss on your investment. The results will be shown in column 7 & column 8

Understand the results

The higher the percentage of return is better and a negative percentage means you lost or loosing money on the investment

Return on Initial Investment of Stock

Column No. Particulars Your Inputs
1Enter the number of shares purchased
2Enter the price per share bought
3Enter total amount of any commissions or brokerage paid for purchase the shares entered at column no. 1
4Enter the current market price of the share
(if already sold the stock enter the price you sold it)
5Enter total amount of any commissions or brokerage paid for sale of the shares entered at column no. 1 (If stock already sold)
6Enter the dividends you received per share
(since your holding)
7Percentage of Return on Investment
8Amount of Return on Investment Contents Highlights
