Grandfathering Pr.1-3 Cr By Age 50

English Word-Close Meaning Exercise-23
(Similar Pronunciation/Confusing Words)

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Note Please:- answer is case sensitivee

Fill in the box provided at column 2 with appropriate word from - pale, pail, pact, packed, overdue, overdo, mown, moan, mist, missed, minor, miner, mined, mind (noun, verb), here, herd, heel, heard, hear, heal

to do to excess
past due
past tense of pack
an agreement or treaty
lacking color
to alleviate or cure
back part of the foot; scoundrel
to listen
in this spot
a flock of animals
intelligence; obey
excavated to extract ores
one who excavates to extract ores
someone under legal age; small
failed to hit
fog, fine spray
lament; sound of suffering
cut grass

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