This calculator is very useful for vigilant investors in planning investment with comaprision of available various rates of deposits on different period of deposits.
This calculator displays calculated Maturity Values of Deposit Amount in tabular form on the basis of your desired Incremental Rate of Interest and time period of deposit. This calculator is also featured with to display side by side total interest income during the period.
To check maturity value of your deposit amount at 8%, 8.25%, 8.50%, 8.75%, 9% ... enter 8 at point 3 and 0.25 at column 5. Like wise you can check maturity values at different time period e.g. to start to check period of deposit from one year enter 12 (period be entered in months) at column 2 and to view maturity value after gap of three months enter 3 at column 6 or to check maturity value after a gap of one year enter 12 at column 6. Default number of rows selected 2 at column 8, you may change it
*Functionality to add rows will not work in case values for Incremental Interest Rate or Incremental Period of deposit is '0'.