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Salary Calculator of Bank Officer, Clerical & Sub Staff as per 12 BPS / Joint Note dated 08.03.24

Click for Salary Calculator of Bank Officer, Clerical & Sub Staff as per 11 BPS / Joint Note dated 11.11.20 - Feb to Apr 2024

Salary for the month of - Nov'22 to Jul'24 :

To know salary of Probationary Officer (PO), Clerk and Peon on Joining / Appointment / Recruitment in PSU Banks (Nationalised Banks) in India with latest Dearness allowance payable to bankers. You can view here Pay Scales of Probationary Officer (PO), Clerk and Peon eligible to draw with various allowances in terms of officers / workmen salary revision settlement dated 08.03.2024

This calculator also displays bank contribution to NPS @ 14% and employee contibution 10% to NPS / PF

View Bank Officer, Clerical, Sub Staff: Pay Scales, PQP, FPP, Special Pay under 12BPS v/s 11 BPS Stage to Stage Basis

Select Scale / Cadre
Select Month
Calculate Salary of Officer Scale 1
Select Basic Pay
Calculate Salary of Officer Scale 2
Select Basic Pay
Calculate Salary of Officer Scale 3
Select Basic Pay
Calculate Salary of Officer Scale 4
Select Basic Pay
Calculate Salary of Officer Scale 5
Select Basic Pay
Calculate Salary of Officer Scale 6
Select Basic Pay
Calculate Salary of Officer Scale 7
Select Basic Pay
Select HRA (%)
Select CCA (%)
Select PQP
Select FPP
Calculate Salary of Clerical Cadre
Select Basic Pay
Select PQP
Select Special Pay
Select FPP
Calculate Salary of Sub Staff
Select Basic Pay
Select Special Pay
Select FPP
Basic Pay Selected
CCA Selected
PQP Selected
FPP Selected
Special Allowance
HRA Payable
Special Pay
DA Payable
Msg : Select Your Officer Scale or Cadre
Your Gross Salary Payable
Employee Conribution to PF
For Employee joined bank before 01.04.10
Employee Conribution to NPS
For Employee Covered Under NPS i.e. joined bank on or after 01.04.10
Bank Conribution to NPS
For Employee Covered Under NPS i.e. joined bank on or after 01.04.10

For Employees Covered Under NPS

Click Here To Calculate Expected Growth of NPS Wealth on 14% Contribnution by Bank's / Govt. in employees NPS account

An Employee who is Covered Under NPS will get total Monthly Contribution [Employee (10%) + Bank (14%)] in NPS account as under. This amount will change on change in DA slabs and salary components viz. release of increment, special pay, FPP and PQP.

IBPS Probationary Officer (PO) / Clerk / Peon Starting Gross Salary on Appointment in PSU Banks (Nationalized Banks) in India. Pay Scales of Probationary Officer (PO), Clerk and Peon of newly Appointment or Recruitment with Salary structure in terms of officers / workmen salary revision settlement dated 11.11.2020

  • View Salary of Probationary Officer on Appointment
  • View Salary of Clerk on Appointment
  • View Salary of peon on Appointment
  • Probationary Officer - Salary Structure or Pay Scales and Gross Salary of Probationary Officer (PO) on Appointment or Recruitment, in terms of officers salary revision settlement dated 11.11.2020

    Pay scale : 36000 - 1490/7 - 46430 - 1740/2 - 49910 - 1990/7 63840

    A newly (fresh) recruited Probationary Officer's initial basic pay is Rs. 36000 and your first salary will be :-

    (36000-(basic pay) + Special Allowance + Learning Allowance + prevailing Dearness allowance (revises quarterly) + House Rent Allowance + City Compensatory Allowance (HRA & CCA are to be paid as per area of place of posting).

    A person joins as Probationary Officers is eligible for availing facility of Rent Free Accommodation/Residence Facility or to draw HRA. The entitlement of monthly rent payable is different from Bank to Bank and area to area of place of posting. A recovery of 0.75% of the first stage of the scale of pay is recovered from the salary of Probationary officer who avails Rent Free Accommodation/Residence Facility.

    The Gross salary payable on Appointment will be as under

    1PO Initial Basic Pay
    2Special Allowance
    3Dearness Allowance
    4Learning Allowance
    5(i)If Posted In Major A cities where HRA payable @9%
    5(ii)If Posted In cities in Area I where HRA payable @8%
    5 (iii)If Posted other places where HRA payable @7%

    Clerk - Salary Structure or Pay Scales and Gross Salary of Newly recruited or appointment of clerk in Banks, in terms of salary settlement (11th Bipartite Settlement) dated 11.11.2020

    Scales of pay :- 17900 - 1000/3 - 20900 - 1230/3 - 24590 - 1490/4 - 30550 - 1730/7 - 42660 - 3270/1 - 45930 - 1990/1 - 47920

    A newly (fresh) graduate recruited clerk will be granted two advance increments on joining and will get initial basic 19900 + Special Allowance + prevailing Dearness allowance (revises quarterly) + House Rent Allowance + Transport Allowance

    If you are graduate and joining the Bank as clerk after getting two advance increment of Rs. 1000/- will draw your first gross salary will as under for the current month

    1Graduate Clerk Basic Pay
    2Special Allowance
    3Dearness Allowance
    4Transport Allowance

    Sub Staff (Peon) - Salary Structure or Pay Scales and Gross Salary of Newly recruited or appointment of Peon / sub staff in Banks, in terms of salary settlement (11th Bipartite Settlement) dated 11.11.2020

    Scales of pay :- 14500 - 500/4 - 16500 - 615/5 - 19575 - 740/4 - 22535 - 870/3 - 25145 - 1000/3 - 28145

    A newly (fresh) recruited person in Subordinate cadre will draw initial basic pay 14500 on appointment and will draw first salary ( basic pay + Special Allowance + prevailing Dearness allowance (revises quarterly) + House Rent Allowance + Transport Allowance.

    First month gross salary will be as under for the current month:-

    1Peon Basic Pay
    2Special Allowance
    3Dearness Allowance
    4Transport Allowance
    You are requested to kindly inform us of any errors noticed there in calculations to correct the same, however we do not claim that the calculations displayed are correct and final.
    Modified : Mar 09, 2024 Contents Highlights
