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Dearness Relief of PSU Bank Pensioners / DA Calculation
Calculate DA Payable from Feb'25 to Jul'25 (Updated on 18.02.25)
Calculate Expected DA from Aug'25 (Updated on 13.03.25)
Now with New Feature - Calculate Expected D.A. on Your Expectation of DA Slabs to be released

NEW - Bank Officer, Clerical, Sub Staff: Pay Scales, PQP, FPP, Special Pay under 12BPS v/s 11 BPS
  • CALCULATE Basic Pension, Monthly Pension, Pension Arrear Payable or Recoverable - Retd. after 01.11.22

    When Bank Retirees / Pensioner's DA is revised in Pension?

    Bank Pensioner's / Retiree's DA is revised in the month of February and August
    Click - Select Button to Change The Calculator
    1. Calculate DA Payable from Feb'25 to Jul'25
    (It displays DA slabs payable before and after DA revision alongwith amount of DA increase)
    2. Calculate Expected DA from Feb'25
    (It displays Expected DA increase and slabs would may become payable) updated on 13.03.25
    3. View Monthwise Pension Drawn
    (Pensioners Can View Monthwise Pension from Nov'07)
    Pensioner's Ex Gratia Calculator
    In terms of Joint note dt.8.3.24 updated for who retired on or after Nov-2002
    Payable from Nov'22
    Date of retirement:
    Enter Basic Pension
    Full Basic Pension (not reduced after commutation)
    Ex-Gratia Payable (per month)
    Ex-Gratia Arrear Payable upto March'24

    (1) DA Calculator - Payable w.e.f. Feb'25 to Jul'25 (in Blue Colour)
    New option for Retirees after 01.11.22 added

    Today i.e. on 18.02.25 CPI for the month of Dec'24 released as 143.70 in Nov'24 it was 144.50(quite surprisingly / unexpectedly). The DA calculator is updated accordinly. Earlier Govt vide their notification dated 22.10.20 has changed the Consumer Price base year from 2001=100 to 2016=100. Pensioners DA payable from Feb'25 to Jul'25 is calculated on the basis of CPI announced by the Govt for the period from Jul'24 to Dec'24 (DA slabs released to working bank employees in Nov'24 + the DA slabs would become payable in Feb'25 to them). Accordingly, there is an increase of 66 DA Slabs becomes payable to bank pensioners for the period of Feb'25 to Jul'25. for those who retired upto Oct'22 - 4% ( total 21.20%) for the retires on or after 01.11.22. For your DA calculation and amount of monthly DA increase w.e.f Feb'25, select your Date of Retirement and enter your basic pension before commuation.

    Please Note - New option added in calculator for DA calculation of Retirees after 01.11.22

    Pensioner's DA Calculator
    Payable w.e.f. Feb. 2025
    Date of retirement:
    Enter Basic Pension
    DA Payable Aug'24 to Jan'25 (Slabs 2154)
    Revised D A w.e.f. Feb'25(Slabs 2220)
    Enter Basic Pension
    DA Payable Aug'24 to Jan'25 (Slabs 2017)
    Revised D A w.e.f. Feb'25(Slabs 2083)
    Enter Basic Pension
    DA Payable Aug'24 to Jan'25 (Slabs 1883)
    Revised D A w.e.f. Feb'25(Slabs 1949)
    Enter Basic Pension
    DA Payable Aug'24 to Jan'25 (Slabs 1732)
    Revised D A w.e.f. Feb'25(Slabs 1798)
    Enter Basic Pension
    DA Payable Aug'24 to Jan'25 (Slabs 1595)
    Revised D A w.e.f. Feb'25(Slabs 1661)
    Enter Basic Pension
    DA Payable Aug'24 to Jan'25 (Slabs 1194)
    Revised D A w.e.f. Feb'25(Slabs 1260)
    Enter Basic Pension
    DA Payable Aug'24 to Jan'25 (Slabs 716)
    Revised D A w.e.f. Feb'25(Slabs 782)
    Enter Basic Pension
    DA Payable Aug'24 to Jan'25 (17.20%)
    Revised D A w.e.f. Feb'25(21.20%)

    (2) Expected DA Calculator - Payable w.e.f. Aug'25 (in Red Colours updated on 13.03.25)
    Calculators updated with new select option 'Retd. after 01:11:2022' for who retired after Nov-2022
    Know 11BPS v/s 10 BPS - Stage to Stage Basis Basic Pay
    Calculate Revised Basic Pension

    The calculators provided hereuner are updated on 13.03.25, on the basis of Govt declared CPI for the month of Jan'25 on 13.03.25 as 143.20 (from 143.70 in Dec'24) with the assumptions of CPI for the next 5 months. Govt has changed the Consumer Price base year from 2001=100 to 2016=100 for Industrial Workers from Oct 2020

    Please note - The pensioner's DA slabs that would become payable for the period from Aug'25 to Jan'26 will be computed on the DA that becomes payable to working bank employees in May'25 + the DA would become payable in Aug'25 to them (in other words CPI released / to be releases for the months of Jan'25 to Jul'25)

    We are providing calculations of expected DA to be payable from Aug'25 below on 2 assumptions in 2 calculators as mentioned hereunder. In view of ongoing recent rise in price of dilay need items / commodities it is too early to predict the actual inflation or CPI index for the coming months. However keeping in view of the present situation the assumptions are made as under for the next month (the increase of CPI points are much higher to be expected in coming months in view of recent increase in prices of generally each and every daily needs items, however on a conservative approach we assume as below on seeing the CPI for the month of April 2021)

    Pensioners expected DA payable from Feb'25 to Jul'25 - calculated here on the basis of CPI released + assumptions of CPI to be released for the remaining months :- DA released for bankers in Nov'22 (i.e. 30 slabs) + computation of expected DA on the basis of CPI releasd / to be released for the months of Oct'22-Dec'22

    1. On assumptions that there is a decrease of CPI index by 0.50 points in the month of Feb'25 & 0.30 points in Mar'25 and thereafter in next 3 months an average increase of 0.50 in each months (i.e. Apr-Jun'25) as it is too early to premume the CPI for the these 5 months at this stage keeping in view of the present geopolitical situation and the rate of inflation is being faced by us. It is a big concern that there is on going regular rise in prices of commonly required items / commodities of daily needs whcih is making month over month difficult to survise falling interest income of pensioners on their deposits. On this assumption of CPI the expected (tentatively) cahnge in in DA Slabs would come to decrease of 18 slabs from Aug'25 for the retirees upto 31.10.2022 and for the retirees after 01.11.2022 it comes to 20.05%

    2. On assumptions that there is a decrease of CPI index by 0.30 points in the month of Feb'25 & 0.20 points in Mar'25 and thereafter in next 3 months an average increase of 0.40 in each months (i.e. Apr-Jun'25). On this assumption the expected (tentatively) change in DA Slabs would come to decrease of 16 slabs from Aug'25 for the retirees upto 31.10.2022 and for the retirees after 01.11.2022 it comes to 20.19%

    3. New Feature - Calculate Expected D.A. on Your Expectation of DA Slabs be released - This feature allows pensioners to enter expected DA slabs / CPI Index (+/-) as per their own assumption for calculation of DA as per their own expectation of change in number of DA slabs / index for DA that may become payable from Feb'25

    2. Keeping in view the recent fuel price cut in Nov'18 and Dec'18 in comparision to Oct'18, we are forced to assume that if there may be an decrease of one points in CPI for the month of Dec'18. (however on going to market we still observs that there is no reduction came in the prices of the our daily use necessary items.), in that situation there will be an increase of 70 slabs payable from Feb'19 (in case there if CPI index declines by two points in that situation the tentative increase will be of 69 slabs. However the expected DA calculator is updated with 70 slabs in third assumption.)

    The expected DA calculator is updated every month on release of CPI data and the assumptions accordingly for the remaining months.

    However we agree that it is too early to say the tentative figures of CPI Index for the remaining months but keeping in view of the recent rise in price of fuel and other items, we assume that at least there would be an increase of two points in CPI data for the May-18.

    Disclaimer : This website do not claim its calculation of payable DA / expected DA slabs that would may become payable is full and final. As we do calculations on the basis of available CPI data for DA payable(may vary of one slabs on official announcement of IBA due to rounding of fraction of points). The expected DA is computed on some assumptions of CPI for coming months on the present circustances taht may change at any time. The users are requested to please do inform in case he/she has noticed any error or updation of the official announcements of CPI index, for the correction & updation at this website. We shall welcome your feedback in the matter.

    Modified : Mar 13, 2025 Contents Highlights

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