The calculators provided hereuner are updated on 13.03.25, on the basis of Govt declared CPI for the month of Jan'25 on 13.03.25 as 143.20 (from 143.70 in Dec'24) with the assumptions of CPI for the next 5 months. Govt has changed the Consumer Price base year from 2001=100 to 2016=100 for Industrial Workers from Oct 2020
Please note - The pensioner's DA slabs that would become payable for the period from Aug'25 to Jan'26 will be computed on the DA that becomes payable to working bank employees in May'25 + the DA would become payable in Aug'25 to them (in other words CPI released / to be releases for the months of Jan'25 to Jul'25)
We are providing calculations of expected DA to be payable from Aug'25 below on 2 assumptions in 2 calculators as mentioned hereunder. In view of ongoing recent rise in price of dilay need items / commodities it is too early to predict the actual inflation or CPI index for the coming months. However keeping in view of the present situation the assumptions are made as under for the next month
(the increase of CPI points are much higher to be expected in coming months in view of recent increase in prices of generally each and every daily needs items, however on a conservative approach we assume as below on seeing the CPI for the month of April 2021)
Pensioners expected DA payable from Feb'25 to Jul'25 - calculated here on the basis of CPI released + assumptions of CPI to be released for the remaining months :-
DA released for bankers in Nov'22 (i.e. 30 slabs) + computation of expected DA on the basis of CPI releasd / to be released for the months of Oct'22-Dec'22
1. On assumptions that there is a decrease of CPI index by 0.50 points in the month of Feb'25 & 0.30 points in Mar'25 and thereafter in next 3 months an average increase of 0.50 in each months (i.e. Apr-Jun'25) as it is too early to premume the CPI for the these 5 months at this stage keeping in view of the present geopolitical situation and the rate of inflation is being faced by us. It is a big concern that there is on going regular rise in prices of commonly required items / commodities of daily needs whcih is making month over month difficult to survise falling interest income of pensioners on their deposits. On this assumption of CPI the expected (tentatively) cahnge in in DA Slabs would come to decrease of 18 slabs from Aug'25 for the retirees upto 31.10.2022 and for the retirees after 01.11.2022 it comes to 20.05%