Calculate Basic Pension, Monthly Pension, Pension Arrear Payable or Recoverable & Commutation Amount Payable on Salary Revision of Bank Pensioners Retired after 01.11.22 as per Joint Note / Salary Revision dated 08.03.24
Calculate Pension Arrear Payable or Recoverable ▼ ▲
Enter month of your Retirement to calcuate the arrears (+/-) for the period pension drawn after retirement.
Click button "Calculate-Arrears". On the basis of your inputs at column 1 & 3 your presently drawing basic pension at column "A" and monthwise already pension recieved, expected pensoin to be recieved with arrears payable / recoverable will be displayed.
Please note :- If there is difference with your basic pension presently fixed by your bank, please click "Back" button and enter correct inputs at column 1 & 3.
Enter your month of retirement and the salary drawn (average of last ten months). Increment Component of FPP,PQP, workmen's Special pay & Officiating Allowance be taken as part of salary here (i.e. the amount ranked for PF deductions)
Enter Your Month of Retirement
Your current basic Pension
Your Basic Pension after commutation
IMPORTANT - If you notice there is a differecne the amount calculated in above Columns "A" & "B" with the actual amount approved by your bank. It represents that the details entered in columns 1 & 3 might not be correct. To get correct calculations of actual pension drawing since from your retirement in below arrears calculations, you may update the correct amount in columns "C" & "D" or enter correct details in column 1 & 3. Please note that the revised pension will remain be calculated on the basis of the details entered at columns 1 & 3.
Basic Pension Calculated by your Bank
Basic Pension after Commutation Calculated by your Bank
Users are requested to write us for correction of errors / omissions in calculations, if any, noticed. The calculations provided here will be amended on an ongoing basis to remove errors noticed by us / advised by the users or to incorporate changes as regards to any development in wage / salary revision comes or to make it more user friendly. Please keep on visitng to remain in touch with the updates of calculations provided here.
Please note - Computation provided here are only indicative of tentative amount of revised pay / pension / commutation are based on assumptions and website does not claim that the calculations and the results displayed are correct, complete and up-to-date.