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Calculate Basic Pension, Monthly Pension, Pension Arrear Payable or Recoverable & Commutation Amount Payable on Salary Revision of Bank Pensioners Retired after 01.11.22 as per Joint Note / Salary Revision dated 08.03.24

Bank Officer, Clerical, Sub Staff: Pay Scales, PQP, FPP, Special Pay under 12BPS v/s 11 BPS
Salary Calculation on Salary Revision
Bank Pensioner Da / Expected DA Calculator

Calculate Pension Arrear Payable or Recoverable ▼ ▲

Enter month of your Retirement to calcuate the arrears (+/-) for the period pension drawn after retirement.
Click button "Calculate-Arrears". On the basis of your inputs at column 1 & 3 your presently drawing basic pension at column "A" and monthwise already pension recieved, expected pensoin to be recieved with arrears payable / recoverable will be displayed.
Please note :- If there is difference with your basic pension presently fixed by your bank, please click "Back" button and enter correct inputs at column 1 & 3.

Enter your month of retirement and the salary drawn (average of last ten months). Increment Component of FPP,PQP, workmen's Special pay & Officiating Allowance be taken as part of salary here (i.e. the amount ranked for PF deductions)

Enter Salary For the purpose of Pension Calculation
1Click To Enter Details - VRS Optee / Retired Service less than 33 yrs.
1(a)Completed Years of Service (default 33 entered)
(Change it with your years of service - e.g. 26yr 7mths=27 yrs & in case of VRS 27 + remaining year of service max of 5 yrs be added, in case service remaining 7 year, service for pension = 27+5 = 32 yrs)
1(b)Retirement on Superannuation (default age 60 entered)
/ Change it in case of VRS
2Enter Pre-revised Salary Drawn
[Basic Pay +PQP+FPP*+Spl Pay (workmen)]
Enter FPP
Enter PQP
Enter Special Pay
Enter Officiating Allowance
Total of Pay
3Enter Revised Salary payable
[Basic Pay +PQP+FPP*+Spl Pay (workmen)]
Click Here to View Officer, Clerical, Sub Staff: Pay Scales, PQP, FPP, Special Pay under 11BPS v/s 10 BPS
Revised FPP
Revised PQP
Revised Special Pay
Revised Officiating Allowance
3Expected % of Increase in Pay
Default taken here as 65. Change it to check what mimimum % of pay increase will protect monthly pension reduction
View Assumption
Expected Salary & Arrears Calculators
  • Click Here To View Officer, Clerical, Sub Staff: Pay Scales, PQP, FPP, Special Pay under 11BPS v/s 10 BPS
  • Tentative Revised amount of Basic Pension, Pension & Commutation Amount Payable

    4Revised Salary payable (as entered above)
    5 Basic Pension
    6Commutation of 1/3 of Basic Pay
    7Basic Pension After 1/3 Commutation
    8Revised Commutation Amount Payable
    DA Payable Revised Rate
    9Pension Payable
    As per DA Payable w.e.f. Feb'24

    Retired after 01.11.2022 - Calculate Your Imapct on Monthly Pension & Commutation Payable

    10Enter Existing Monthly Pension
    Calcutate Monthwise Pension Drawn
    11Enter Commutation Amount Recieved
    Calcuate Basic Pension/Commutation
    12Difference of Pension on Revision of Pay*
    13Difference of Commutation Amount on Revision of Pay

    * minus sign in red fonts represnts - monthly pension reduction by this amount

    Enter Your Month of Retirement
    AYour current basic Pension
    BYour Basic Pension after commutation
    IMPORTANT - If you notice there is a differecne the amount calculated in above Columns "A" & "B" with the actual amount approved by your bank. It represents that the details entered in columns 1 & 3 might not be correct. To get correct calculations of actual pension drawing since from your retirement in below arrears calculations, you may update the correct amount in columns "C" & "D" or enter correct details in column 1 & 3. Please note that the revised pension will remain be calculated on the basis of the details entered at columns 1 & 3.
    CBasic Pension Calculated by your Bank
    DBasic Pension after Commutation Calculated by your Bank

    Users are requested to write us for correction of errors / omissions in calculations, if any, noticed. The calculations provided here will be amended on an ongoing basis to remove errors noticed by us / advised by the users or to incorporate changes as regards to any development in wage / salary revision comes or to make it more user friendly. Please keep on visitng to remain in touch with the updates of calculations provided here.

    Please note - Computation provided here are only indicative of tentative amount of revised pay / pension / commutation are based on assumptions and website does not claim that the calculations and the results displayed are correct, complete and up-to-date.

    Modified : Mar 12, 2024 Contents Highlights
