Sentences Start with Alphabet - O |
Of a man showing feminine attributes | Effeminate
Of a man or animal that feeds on its own species | Cannibal
Of a person extremely desirous of money | Avaricious
of a person who can use both hands equally well | Ambidextrous
Of a person who cannot be pleased easily | Fastidious
Of a person who easily believes whatever is told to him | Credulous
Of animals feeding on flesh | Carnivorous
Of animals feeding on grass and plants | Herbivorous
Of animals living in flocks | Gregarious
Of manners more like those of a woman than a man | Effeminate
One incapable of being tired | Indefatigable
One who always thinks himself to be ill | Valetudinarian
One who believes in fate | Fatalist
One who believes in God | Theist
One who calculates premium | Actuary
One who can do anything for money | Mercenary
One who can make himself at home in all countries | Cosmopolitan
One who can speak two languages | Bilingual
One who can throw his voice | Ventriloquist
One who cannot be corrected | Incorrigible
One who cannot read or write | Illiterate
One who changes sides | Turncoat
One who copies from other writers | Plagiarist
One who damages public property | Vandal
One who dies without a Will | Intestate
One who does not believe in the existence of God | Atheist
One who does not care for art, literature etc | Philistine
One who does not make mistakes | Infallible
One who does something not professionally but for pleasure | Amateur
One who doesn't know how to read and write | Illiterate
One who doubts the existence of god | Agnostic
One who eats too much | Glutton
One who feels sympathetic towards human beings | Humanitarian
One who goes on foot | Pedestrian
One who has narrow and prejudiced religious views | Bigot
One who has no money | Pauper
One who has strange habits | Eccentric
One who hates mankind | Misanthrope
One who hates women | Misogynist
One who helps others Good | Samaritan
One who is a newcomer | Neophyte
One who is all powerful | Omnipotent
One who is difficult to please | Fastidious
One who is easily deceived | Gullible
One who is fond of sensuous pleasures | Epicure
One who is greedy for money | Avaricious
One who is indifferent to pleasure or pain | Stoic
One who is new to a trade or profession | Novice
One who is not easily pleased | Fastidious
One who is out to subvert a government | Anarchist
One who is present everywhere | Omnipresent
One who is qualifies for election | Eligible
One who is quite like a woman | Effeminate
One who is retbnbing from illness | Convalescent
One who is unable to pay his debts | Insolvent
One who is unmarried | Celibate
One who knows everything | Omniscient
One who knows many languages | Polyglot
One who lives in a foreign country | Immigrant
One who looks on the bright side of things | Optimist
One who looks on the dark side of things | Pessimist
One who loves books | Bibliophile
One who loves mankind | Philanthropist
One who makes an official examination of accounts | Auditor
One who pretends to be what he is not | Hypocrite
One who pursues some art or sport as hobby | Amateur
One who questions everything | Cynic
One who speaks less | Reticent
One who thinks only for oneself, a person who is selfish, self absorbed and self centered | Egoist
One who thinks only of himself | Egoist
One who thinks only of welfare of women | Feminist
One who works for free | Volunteer
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Sentences Start with Alphabet - P |
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People living at the same time | Contemporaries
People of noble families or the highest social class | Aristocracy
People who work together | Colleagues
Person who rides on horse-back | Equestrian
Persons living in the same age | Contemporaries
Practice of having one wife or husband | Monogamy
Practice of having several husbands | Polyandry
Practice of having several wives | Polygamy
Practice of having two wives or husbands | Bigamy
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Sentences Start with Alphabet - R |
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Retbnbing from illness | Convalescent
Remarks which do not apply to the subject under discussion | Irrelevant
Rule by the mob | Mobocracy
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Sentences Start with Alphabet - S |
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Science of coins or medals | Numismatics
Science of origin of universe | Cosmology
Somebody or something with the same name as somebody or something else | Namesake
Somebody who does not eat meat | Vegetarian
somebody who eats human flesh | Cannibal
Somebody who is considerably experienced in something | Veteran
Somebody who works or serves only for personal profit | Mercenary
Something said or done without preparation | Extempore
Something that cannot be corrected | Incorrigible
Something that cannot be imitated | Inimitable
Something that has been determined beforehand | Foregone
Something that is essential and cannot be dispensed with | Indispensable
Something that is quickly and easily set on fire and burned | Inflammable
Something that quickly catches fire | Inflammable
Spoken or done without preparation | Extempore
state of antagonism | Hostility
Statements open to more than interpretation | Ambiguous
Study of environment | Ecology
Systematic study of election trends | Psephology
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Sentences Start with Alphabet - T |
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That can be eaten | Edible
That cannot be altered or withdrawn | Irrevocable
That is prohibited by law | Illicit
That through which light can partly pass | Translucent
That through which light can pass | Transparent
That through which light cannot pass | Opaque
That which cannot be avoided | Inevitable
That which cannot be believed | Incredible
That which cannot be changed | Irrevocable
That which cannot be conquered | Invincible
That which cannot be cured | Incurable
That which cannot be defended | Indefensible
That which cannot be described | Indescribable
That which cannot be explained | Inexplicable
That which cannot be hurt | Invulnerable
That which cannot be imitated | Inimitable
That which cannot be noticed | Imperceptible
That which cannot be practiced | Impracticable
That which cannot be put into practice | Impracticable
That which cannot be read | Illegible
That which cannot be satisfied | Insatiable
That which cannot be seen | Invisible
That which does not bear the name of the writer | Anonymous
That which is against law | Illegal
That which is considered wrong or unacceptable by prevailing social standards | Illicit
That which is lawful | Legal
That which is not likely to happen | Improbable
That which is unlikely to happen | Improbable
The act of killing an infant | Infanticide
The action of looking back on past time | Introspection
The area over which an official has control | Jurisdiction
The branch of biology dealing with plant life | Botany
The custom of having more than one husband at a time | Polyandry
The custom of having more than one wife at a time | Polygamy
The first speech made by a person | Maiden
The killing of an infant | Infanticide
The life story of a man written by himself | Autobiography
The murder or murderer of one | Fratricide
The period between childhood and adulthood | Adolescence
The science which treats with life | Biology
To date before the true time | Antedate
To explain something mysterious or difficult | Elucidate
To free somebody from all blame | Exonerate
To give one | Delegate
To go down in value | Depreciate
To go from bad to worse | Deteriorate
To increase the gravity of an offence or the intensity of a disease | Aggravate
To increase the speed; to hasten the progress of | Accelerate
To lay special stress on | Emphasize
To rise in value | Appreciate
To root out an evil, disease | Eradicate
To take away some one | Disenfranchisement
To take somebody away by force and hold him or her prisoner, usually for ransom | Kidnap
To transfer one's authority to another | Delegate
To turn friends in enemies | Alienate
To write under a different name | Pseudonym
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Sentences Start with Alphabet - V |
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Very negative person | Pessimist
Violating the sanctity of a church | Sacrilege
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Sentences Start with Alphabet - W |
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Water fit for drinking | Potable
Without life | Inanimate
Without payment | Gratis
Words which have the same meaning | Synonyms
Words written on the tomb of a person | Epitaph
Work for which no salary is paid | Honorary
Worship of idols | Idolatry