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Bank Employee / Officer DA (Dearness) Payable (w.e.f. Feb'25) updated on 18.02.25
and Expected DA Calculator (Payable from May'25 updated on 13.03.25) as per 12th BPS

  • Salary Calculator of Bank Officer, Clerical & Sub Staff as per 11th BPS / Joint Note dated 11.11.20
  • History of DA Slabs & DA calculation from Nov 1992, Settlement Wise
    View Revised Pay Scales, PQP, FPP, Special Pay under 12thBPS v/s 11th BPS

    Bankers DA Calculator - Feb'25 to Apr'25

    Today i.e. on 18.02.25 Govt declared CPI for the month of Dec'24 as 143.70 with a decrease of 0.80 points from the previous month i.e. Nov'24. Decrease in CPI data, as declared by the Govt, shows from their records the inflation has cooled down significantly in Sep'23 from the last month.. Bankers DA calculator is updated hereunder on the basis of CPI for the month of Oct'24 to Dec'24. Earlier the Govt vide their notification dated 22.10.20 (click to view the letter) has changed the Consumer Price base year from 2001=100 to 2016=100 for Industrial Workers.

    Calculate your on the basis of CPI data announced by the Govt for the months of Oct'24 to Dec'24. DA payable for the period Feb'25 to Apr'25 is 21.20% as per 12th BPS

    Click to Change Calculator (10 BPS)
    for DA Calculation on Pre-Revised Pay
    DA Slabs Payable - Feb'25 to Apr'25 -
    Enter Basic Pay
    Enter PQP
    Enter Spl. Allowance* %
    *7.75% For Workmen & Officer Scale 1 to III. Scale IV-V change to 10 & Scale VI-VII as 11
    Enter TPT Allow.
    Enter Spl.Pay*
    Like SWO, HC, Spl.Asst, A.Guard, Daftary etc
    Your DA (Excluding DA on Spl. Allowance)
    Spl. Allowance
    DA on Spl. Allowance
    DA on TPT. Allowance
    Spl. Allowance with DA
    Net DA increase/decrease

    (2) Bank Employee / Officer Expected DA Calculator - Payable w.e.f - May'25 to Jul'25

    Expected DA Calculation Updated on 13.03.25 on the basis of CPI for the month of Jan'25 with the assumptions of CPI for the next 2 months (Feb-Mar'25). The CPI for the month of Jan'25 which was due to be released on 28.02.25 announced on 13.03.25 as 143.20 (the reason of delay of announcement is not known ) with a decrease of 0.50 points from Dec'24. (as per revised base year 2016) (The base year was changed from Oct 2020)

    1. On assumptions if there is a decrease in CPI index by 0.50 points in the month of Feb'25 & 0.30 points in the month of Mar'25 (However other than vegitables in this month the prices are rising regularly of commonly required daily needs / items and commodities which is making month over month difficult to manage family budget). Accordingly, on this assumption, we may expect there would be a decrease of 1.46% DA in terms of 12th BPS on revised pay. Total 19.74% DA will become payable from May'25.
    2. On assumptions if there is a decrease in CPI index by 0.40 points in the month of Feb'25 & 0.20 points in the month of Mar'25, we may expect there would be be a decrease of 1.36% DA in terms of 12th BPS on revised pay. Total 19.84 percentage of DA will become payable from May'25.
    3. On assumptions if there is a decrease in CPI index by 0.30 points in the month of Feb'25 & 0.20 points in the month of Mar'25, we may expect there would be be a decrease of 1.30% DA in terms of 12th BPS on revised pay. Total 19.90 percentage of DA will become payable from May'25.
    4. New Feature - To Calculate Expected DA on your your expectation of change in CPI index in terms of 12th BPS, the DA will be 21.20% (-/+) the change in CPI you have entered.

    and in case there if CPI index declines by two points in that situation the tentative increase will be of 3 slabs. However the expected DA calculator is updated with 611 slabs in third assumption.)

    The Expected DA Calculator is updated on the basis of above assumptions. This website do not claim that its calculation of expected DA slabs would may become payable as full and final.

  • To be more conservative not going on higher side at this moment if we assume that there would be an increase of one point in CPI for the month of Feb'19 and no change in Mar'19. In this situation the expected (tentatively) increase in DA Slabs would come to 33 slabs. Accordingly, the total tentatively revised DA slabs would may be 644 i.e. 64.40%.
  • Click to Change Calculator (11BPS)
    for DA Calculation on Revised Pay (asper 11 BPS)
    DA Slabs Payable - Feb'22 to Apr'22 - 875 Slabs
    Enter Basic Pay
    Enter PQP
    Enter Spl. Allowance* %
    *7.75% For Workmen & Officer Scale 1 to III. Scale IV-V change to 10 & Scale VI-VII as 11
    Enter Spl.Pay*
    Like SWO-B:820; HC:1280; Spl.Asst:1930; A.Guard:390; Daftary:560
    Your DA (Excluding DA on Spl. Allowance)
    Spl. Allowance
    DA on Spl. Allowance
    Spl. Allowance with DA
    Net DA increase

    This website do not claim its calculation of DA slabs would may become payable as full and final as IBA circular of DA release is awaited and this calculator shall be updated accordingly

    CPI for the Quarter

    Oct 20239098.22
    Nov 2023 9144.23
    Dec 2023 9124.51
    Average CPI
    For the Quarter Jul-Sep 2023 as above = 9122.32
    For the Last Quarter Jul-Sep 2023 = 9124.51

    On the basis of CPI announced for the months of Jan - Mar 2021, we have provided Bank Employee / Officer DA calculations. This website do not claim that its calculation of expected DA slabs would may become payable as full and final.

    When Bank Employee's DA revised in Salary?

    Bank Employee gets Salary at revised DA in the month of February, May, August and November
    Modified : Mar 13, 2025 Contents Highlights

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