Grandfathering Pr.1-3 Cr By Age 50

Preposition Exercise - 28

  1. When the bus arrives, you get ---------- the bus..
  2. You buy a ticket ---------- the driver or show your ticket ---------- the driver..
  3. When you arrive ---------- your destination, you get ---------- the bus..
  4. Sometimes you even have to change buses ---------- another bus stop..
  5. have been waiting ---------- 4 o'clock..
  6. Sue has only been waiting ---------- 20 minutes..
  7. Tim and Tina have been learning English ---------- six years..
  8. Fred and Frida have been learning French ---------- 1998..
  9. Joe and Josephine have been going out together ---------- Valentine's Day..
  10. I haven't been on holiday ---------- last July..

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