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Investment - Mutual Fund / PPF / NPS / Bank Deposit etc.

  1. 3. Deposit Calculator - FD Interest Payment Monthly, Quarterly or on Maturity, Flexi Deposit, RD , Crorepati-ELSS-SIP : 6 Calculators at one page with switch over option
  2. Deposit Maturity Value Calculator view as many as you like the number of Maturity Values of Incremental Interest Rates or Period or Both with Income Tax on Interest amount on the basis of Taxable Income Range selected.
  3. Loan - View Month Wise Balance - Principal, Interest Paid in Loan Period
  4. Mutual Fund Calculator - Monthly Sip, Lumpsum Investment and Plan to act Goal - 1 / 3 Crore by age 50
  5. PPF Calculators (5) (i) PPF Maturity Value Calculator (ii) PPF Return v/s ELSS and RD Investment Return Calculations (iii) PPF Balance & Interest Calculator (iv) Calculate PPF Amount Available to Withdraw (v) Calculate PPF a/c Maturity Date
  6. PPF Scheme Features Benefits from PPF / Minimum And Maximum Amount that can be deposited / If fails to deposit amount in any year / Withdrawals from the PPF Account / Closure of account / Loan against PPF Account / Rate of Interest payable in PPF Account
  7. Sukanya Samridhi Yojana Calculators
  8. Sukanya Samridhi Account Scheme - Sukanya Samridhi Account Scheme Features, Tax benefits, Eligibility, Revised Interest Rates, Premature Withdrawal, Rebate under section 80C.
  9. NPS Calculator This calculator is compiled for the best uses of employees of Govt. (Central / State) and Corporate Sector Employees (Banks and PSU) to calculate Retirement Wealth, corpus, Annuity, Pension and NPS Return including your contribution in TIER II, if any, as per NPS rules.
  10. NPS Calculator All citizens Model - This calculator displays yearwise - Retirement Wealth, corpus, Annuity, Pension and NPS Return till the age of 60 in a table useful in future or retirement planning where no matching contribution is deposited by the employer.
  11. NPS - Employee / Employer Contribution - Income Tax Implication & Tax Calculation
  12. NPS Scheme Features & Benefits of NPS
  13. NPS Partial Withdrawal Norms Here's the limit how much you can withdraw, how many times can withdraw in your NPS
  14. NPS Withdrawal Form Download fillable / Editable NPS forms and other useful utility form.
  15. What is Retirement and sensible ways to plan your retirement & understand the types of pension plans
  16. 31 FDR's Aggregate Interest Calculations This tool can be used for calculation of Interest of SB / Loan accounts by taking closing balance for number days outstaing in such operaive accounts
  17. Future Expenses Estimate Calculator You can calculate estimate of monthly future expenses after a certain period on the basis of your present monthly expenses after taking into account impact of rate of inflation and forthcoming regular monthly expenses in coming months
  18. Mutual Fund What is Mutual Fund and why to invest in Mutual Fund
  19. Mutual Fund-Glossary Understanding various terms of Mutual Fund (MF)
  20. Mutual Fund Category or Classification of a Scheme
  21. Options & Futures Glossary of the terms used in Option & Future Trading
  22. For Girl Child Upto Age of 10 Yrs. - Sukanya Samridhi Deposit A/C
  23. Your Saving Bank Account Know - How it can be your an Investment Account?
  24. Credit Card Usage Guide & Terms Used in Monthly Statement
  25. SIP Calculator
  26. Relaunched Kisan Vikas Patra - Scheme Features
  27. Loan EMI comparison Chart of Interest rate from 8% to 16% over a period from 5 years to 30years
  28. Know Gift Tax Act - Rules In India and Download format of Gift Deed
  29. Calculate the Return on Initial Investment of Stock of Long Term Investments
  30. Calculate Yield on Shares / Stocks in Your Portfolio
  31. Atal Pension Calculator and Features of Atal Pension Yojana(APY) Scheme
  32. PPF Forms in Fillable / Editable format.

    Click the form to Download. Please note that you can fill the fillable format forms provided at this website in Excel / Word / PDF format before printing for your onward submission which is free from cuttings / overwriting

    (A) State Bank of India (SBI) PPF Fillable / Editable forms

    Form Description
    SBI PPF Form AApplication for Opening a Provident Fund Account - Fillable Format
    SBI PPF Form BPPF Account Deposit Slip / Pay in Slip in Easy to Fill in Fillable Format
    SBI PPF Form CApplication for withdrawals under PPF Scheme, 1968 - Fillable Format
    SBI PPF Form DApplication for Loan - Fillable Format
    SBI PPF Form EApplication for Nomination in PPF account - Fillable Format
    SBI PPF Form FApplication for cancellation / variation of nomination previously made in PPF account - Fillable Format
    SBI PPF Form GApplication for withdrawal by Nominee / Legal Heirs - Fillable Format
    SBI PPF Form HApplication for continuance / extension of PPF account beyond 15 years - Fillable Format

    (B) Post Office PPF Fillable / Editable forms

    Form Description
    PPF Form BPPF Account Deposit Slip / Pay in Slip in Easy to Fill Excel Format
    PPF Form CApplication for withdrawals under PPF Scheme, 1968 in Excel Format
    PPF Form EApplication for Nomination in PPF account in Excel Format
    PPF Form FApplication for cancellation/variation of nomination previously made in PPF account in Excel Format
    PPF Form HApplication for continuance / extension of PPF account beyond 15 years in Excel Format

    (C) Other Banks: BOI - PPF Fillable / Editable forms

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