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DA Calculation updated DA payable w.e.f. Feb'25 to Jul'25
Bank Retiree Monthwise Pension Calculations from DOR or Nov-2007

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    The pensioners who retired on or after 01.11.2022 please note - This calculator is programmed to calculate DA as per revised DA rates in terms of 12 BPS settlement. Two useful tools were also provided at this website to calculate revised basic pension, revised commutation and Month Wise Pension Arrears Payable / Recoverable payable on Salary Revision of Bank Pensioners who Retired after 01.11.22.

    This utility is designed for the pensioners who retired after Nov - 2002 till date & who opted VRS under special VRS scheme 2001 to view their monthwise DA and total monthly pension from Nov - 2007 or month of retirement if after Nov - 2007.

    Click - Select Button to Change The Calculator
    1. Calculate DA Payable & Expected DA
    (It displays DA slabs payable before and after DA revision alongwith amount of DA increase)
    2. Monthwise Pension with DA
    (view from Nov'07 or DOR if after Nov'07)

    What period of Calculation is displayed here ?

    From Nov'07 to till NOW the Monthwise DA and pension payable to bank employees / officers retired on superannuation or opted VRS on or after 01.11.2007 alongwith of retirees / Opted VRS during the period Apr'98 to Oct'07 and of VRS opted under special VRS scheme 2001.

  • View Steps to Calculate DA / Monthly pension

    Step to calculate your DA and monthly pension

    1. Select Year of retirement - From Nov 2007 Nov 2007 till NOW / Apr'98 to Oct'02 / Nov'02 to Oct'07. The pensioners who - reitred / opted VRS under special VRS scheme 2001) are covered under option Apr'98 to Oct'02 and they can view their DA and pension from Nov'09 onwards.
    2. Select year and month of retirement. For the year 2007, only two months Nov'07 and Dec'07 is functional. This option is not available for retirees during the period Apr'98 to Oct'02 and Nov'02 to Oct'07. As the details of DA and Pension is provided here Nov'09 and Jan'08 respectively.
    3. Enter your Basic Pension as per your pension payment order. DA is payable on your basic pension.
    4. Enter your Basic Pension after Commutation. Monthly pension is the sum of DA and Basic Pension after Commutation.
    5. Enter number of months you like to view your DA and Monthly Pension or Default selected month's details will be displayed.
    6. Click Submit button.

    Please Note :- Those who retired on or after 01.11.2022 can also view their DA & monthly pension in this utility

    Please check & correct number of rows selected upto the period of current month, if you find no result on submit.

    Please scroll down to view monthwise pension Pension for the above entered period.

  • Please click here to calculate basic pension, basic pension after commutation and commutation amount payable on retirement / VRS.

    Pension payable for the Financial Year totals calculated above on the basis that Pension Payable/Paid during the Financial Year i.e. April to March. Please note that Pension of for the month of February is becomes payable on Ist Day of March. Like wise one who retires in May will get June month Pension on Ist of July

    PSU bank pensioners retired on or after 01.01.86 - Click here to calculate amount of DA payable on their basic pension, net amount of increase in pension on DA revision and can view the number of DA slabs payable before and after last revision of DA slabs.

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    Modified : Feb 18, 2024 Contents Highlights
