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Bank Retirees / Pensioners calculate your DA, Monthly Pension, Monthly TDS & Income Tax for FY 2018-19 after Standard Deductions of Rs. 40000/- (for FY 17-18 Click Here)

Calculate eligibility to submit form 15H / 15G
You can calculates here your DA on pension, Month wise Pension Payable amount, monthly TDS and total of pension payable for FY 2018-19 with Income Tax calculations on pension income

PSU bank employees / officers retired on superannuation or opted VRS on or after 01.11.2007 till NOW. The pensioners retired / Opted VRS during the period Apr'98 to Oct'02 and Nov'02 to Oct'07 can also view their DA and Pension in the respective peeriod options from from 2008 / 2009 till NOW. Those who Opted VRS under special VRS scheme 2001, can view their detail under option Apr'98 to Oct'02 with current month DA, Pension and Total of Monthly Pension payable in FY 17-18 with tax Calculations

Step to calculate your DA and monthly pension

  1. Select Year of retirement - From Nov 2007 Nov 2007 till NOW / Apr'98 to Oct'02 / Nov'02 to Oct'07. The pensioners who - reitred / opted VRS under special VRS scheme 2001) are covered under option Apr'98 to Oct'02 and they can view their DA and pension from Nov'09 onwards.
  2. Select month of retirement. For the year 2007, only two months Nov'07 and Dec'07 is functional. This option is not available for retirees during the period Apr'98 to Oct'02 and Nov'02 to Oct'07. As the details of DA and Pension is provided here Nov'09 and Jan'08 respectively.
  3. Enter your Basic Pension as per your pension payment order. DA is payable on your basic pension. The retirees of Apr'98 to oct'02 after
  4. Enter your Basic Pension after Commutation. Monthly pension is the sum of DA and Basic Pension after Commutation.
  5. Enter number of months you like to view your DA and Monthly Pension. * Default selected '6' to display DA and Pension for six months, to view earlier months DA & enter the number in place '6' or the pensioners retired on or after 01.11.07 may enter number '0' (zero) in place of '6' to view their all months details from the period of retirement (as selected above). The retirees during the period from Apr'98 to Oct'02 and Nov'02 to Oct'07 enter '105' and '128' respectively to view the complete details provided here.
  6. Click Submit button to display your DA calculations and monthly pension for the selected period with Total monthly pension payable to you in FY 2018-19.
  7. To calculate your Income Tax Liability in FY 2018-19, select your age from the options available and press Submit button you will find. Tax amount, Ecess and Total Tax Liability in FY 2018-19 on the amount of pension payavle to you in FY 2018-19.

Tax Calculator for - Bank Employees / Officers with their Salary Structures

Tax Calculator for Salaried and Pensioners FY 2018-19 (AY 19-20) - Common for All Sectors

For PPF Account Holders

DA Calculation updated upto DA payable w.e.f. Feb'19

Please check & correct number of rows selected upto the period of current month, if you find no result on submit.

Please scroll down to see your calculations viz. - Month wise DA, Monthly Pension payable for the above selected period and Total of your Monthly Pension payable in FY 2018-19 (as per DA rates of last revised) and to calculate instatntly your Income Tax liability on pension Income for the FY 2018-19. (for FY 17-18 Click Here)

Please click here to calculate basic pension, basic pension after commutation and commutation amountpayable on retirement / VRS..

PSU bank pensioners retired on or after 01.01.86 - Click here to calculate amount of DA payable on their basic pension, net amount of increase in pension on DA revision and can view the number of DA slabs payable before and after last revision of DA slabs.